Sunday, November 18, 2007

No Show

The dinner was lots of fun. The girls and moms that came had a fun time and full bellies. Sadly, the one I mentioned in my last post did not come, and I only was able to leave messages on her phone. I hope she knows how much she was missed.

I also called her before church to tell her I'd pick her up a few minutes earlier than normal (Primary Program today), and she told me she was sick. I was very choked up as I told her to get better and said good-bye.

I know people have their agency. I also know that a nine year old is not in much control of her own actions yet and I don't know what is going on in her family. I just know that after two missionary discussions and a month and a half of church she has seemed so happy, eager and bright. My heart is heavy today for her sake, and I plan on contacting the sister missionaries to see what I can do to help them/her.

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