Friday, April 4, 2008

You know, I used to love Oprah. On a silly questionnaire once, she was my answer to the question "Who would you most like to meet"? I was watching when she gave away a car to everyone in her audience. I remember all her up and down weight struggles. I have seen her give people homes and educations and hope and validation.

On one of my favorite blogs to read I found that Oprah now has her own church. Growing up Baptist, she has now denounced Christianity and professes that God is a feeling, not a belief. That we save ourselves and need no other.

This video is a little long, but it is disturbing to me. I hope you will take a moment to watch it.

I am shocked and saddened to learn all this about her. More than anything I am having a hard time because she is in a position of so much power. She's the most powerful woman in the world. She mentions a book and it's on top of the best seller list the next day!

And who is her audience? Women. Who is the heart of the home and the greatest influence over children? WOMEN. Do you see where this is headed? It strengthens my testimony to hear of things like this, actually, because we have been taught that there will be those who try to deceive. It doesn't make it any easier, though, to think about the effect one of those people might have on our culture and our communities.

We have been talking to the kids this week about testimonies and asking them how they know that the church is true. How they know the scriptures are real. And they basically said that they knew because Strider and I know and they trust us. That's a good place to start, but we were careful to teach them that they must learn on their own and ask for answers so that they can know for themselves as well.

I know it is a divine calling of mine to fortify my home and teach my children right from wrong. They trust me and have believing hearts. I hope that as they get older and they encounter many who will offer to show them "another way" that they will lean back on what they learned at home and in church and they can cling to the truth. That they will recognize Christ as their Savior and the only way back to heaven.


  1. You are an amazing woman! You have helped, guided, encouraged, shown an example and SOO much more for your kids. I have seen amazing things come from your family and especially your boys in primary I know that they have learned and know what is right because of you and strider. You truely give them the best and it all starts at home!! WAY TO GO!!!

  2. Oh how sad that whole thing makes me. The influence of one person, it just makes me sad!

  3. I used to really like Oprah and was excited when I actually got to watch the show when I worked. But the last year or so of tuning in have left me dissatisfied with some of her attitudes and a general lack of upliftment from many of her shows. Hearing this has made me sad that she is such a lost soul and that she has the power to inffluence millions with her misguided notions. I don't think I will be watching anymore.

  4. Can you please raise my children for me?

  5. I thought I was a "lone ranger" in the idea that maybe Oprah isn't who I want to emulate anymore. I used to have a subscription to her magazine, but I started to feel like her influence was no longer good and the things that were discussed in her magazine and the words that were used were not things I wanted in my home, so I cancelled it. I don't often get to watch her show, but even the content I see in her commercials and the ideas she is trying to impress on people's mind scares me because I know she has the "power" to influence the entire world. Do you remember last year in conference one of the General Authorities warned us about who we looked to as our heros and the the way certain public figures influence us? Her name immediately came to my mind.

    I love what you said about we as women having a sacred responsibility and I believe with that responsibility we MUST stand up for what we know is right even when people we think we love preach something different.

    Thanks for being such a great example of righteous womanhood. You are and always have been one of my greatest heros!

  6. Great post. Wish the world was full of more woman like you.
    So sad when people in power are not good examples.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!