Monday, May 19, 2008

Some simple things I find very satisfying

clean kitchen tile

newly mulched flower beds

my child's laugh

an empty dishwasher

sleeping with the window open

flowers in bloom

a quiet house

a noisy house


kids getting along

being barefoot in cool grass

a juicy peach

peanut butter and chocolate

the smell of Strider's deodorant

finished projects

the book I just can't put down

date nights

watching my child score a goal


  1. That picture is awsome! I find there is nothing better than a freshly vacumned floor; especially if you are sitting on it builing block towers with a couple of little rugrats.

  2. I love it when the weather warms up and the windows are open all the time. That fresh air does a person good!

  3. What a great post! It reminded me of all the simple things I love!

  4. I love the windows open too! Everything smells so sweet and fresh around here this time of year!

  5. Love your pic! So many of those are my favorites as well. In fact, I have a bunch of mulch waiting for it to cool down so I can spred it right now. I can't wait to see how much better the garden will look.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!