Pondering questions...
Balance. The answer to happiness in the life of a woman, right?
Is that painting with too broad of a brush?
Since our work is never done, when are we finished with anything?
If the laundry hampers are never empty and the dishes are being dirtied as I wash them then when do I know I have done enough?
When my husband finishes a full, exhausting day at school, teaching and moulding young minds, he works for an extra hour or two and drives home. He then becomes a dad, and assumes all of those responsibilities, as well as church assignments and hopefully a bit of relaxation.
My life does not have compartments. I do not turn off being one thing and drive to another. So while I revel in the flexibility of my days, I also struggle with the challenge of knowing when I have done enough. I have a love affair with to-do lists; mostly the sense of accomplishment that comes from crossing things off. Being finished.
When can I watch a show on TV without feeling the guilt pulling me from the bedroom into the kitchen? Or how do I feel good about diving into that book on my nightstand while there are two loads of clothes wrinkling in their respective baskets?
I want that little "Hey slacker! You haven't earned a vacation yet" voice in my head to shut off sometimes. Once in a while can't a girl have a tired, lazy day?
Sherri Dew, former RS leader and revered author once said :"We no longer have the luxury of spending our energy on anything that does not lead us and our families to Christ."
Hello? Anyone else feel the need to jump headfirst into the guilt pool with me?
I conciously try to make wiggle room in my life. I like not being busy. Some people work better that way. Some need to be busy. I do not. I love knowing that if my sick child calls from school, there is a 99% chance that whatever I am working on can easily be postponed. I don't like my calendar all full - it stresses me out. I dislike appointments, driving, and sometimes (gasp!) shopping.
So I am perfectly suited for home.
Cooking is something I love and am good at. Laundry sorting is therapuetic to me. Vacuuming is soothing and enjoyable.
While I love it within these walls, though, too often the guilt of what I'm NOT doing gets in the way of the joy. I am working on getting there. Just as soon as I find balance.
Wow, you said that perfectly. I was just thinking about that last night. I wanted so badly to sit down and rest, but if I sat down I saw so many things that needed to be done! I don't know the answer to your question because I am trying to figure that out myself! As far as busyness goes, I also feel the same way. I feel so much more at peace when I am home all day and I do not have to be at an appointment or do something else. I also get so much more done! I love your blog.
ReplyDeleteOkay first off thank you for your comment on my blog.
ReplyDeleteThis post really hit home. When is enough enough? I have so much work piled up and tonight I actually said NO MORE! I'm not doing another thing tonight - I even told my husband that he's in charge of dinner completely. I'm not deciding, cooking, driving ANYTHING. We had McDonald's - well, him and my son did... my day was so bad that I actually dropped mine on the ground. UGH! If I have something that I have to do (something on my calendar) it ruins my whole day. I stress about having to be at a certain place at a certain time and it's horrible! Okay... sorry for the ramble LOL - I love your blog too btw :)
Oh my. I love this post. I feel the same way. DH comes home and he is done. He can relax and be completely free until work the next day. Me...never off duty...always concerned about all that still has to be done. When you find the secret to turning of the nagging voices, let me know! Thanks for commenting on my blog.
ReplyDeleteI love your new layout. Your blog always looks so cute. By the way, got my GC today. I honestly have never bought music on line before. Today is a good day to fix that problem :)
ReplyDeleteYou worded this so well! I have a problem compartmentalizing and feeling guilty for the book read, the show watched, or sometimes even the time spent playing with the kids... One thing I love so much about blogs - you realize you're not alone in your thoughts and struggles. Cute header on your blog too.
ReplyDeleteEven though I don't have kids yet, I feel the same way. Especially cause my MIL does everything around the house and it always looks spotless. You are an amazing mother and so I think you are doing a great job at running your house.
ReplyDeleteThis is why I read your blog. I am not alone. Nor are you. You are wonderful. Thanks for letting me help with your girls today. I am not sure that they learned much, but they were so cute.
ReplyDeleteI am so right there with you. I am totally addicted to lists, updating lists, revising lists, whatever just trying to feel like I am organized. And even then I never have an end to my day where I put housework and other concerns aside to just be with my family or relax and unwind.(Okay I do read a lot, but don't ask me how since I barely sit down all day. Its like breathing, it just happens and I don't think about.) I always feel that I can't do something fun until everything else is done. The problem is that everything else is never completely done. There is always something more to do. When is enough enough and why do I always feel guilty because no matter how much I do, I could have done something more.