Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Favorite Things

Remember Oprah's shows where she lists her faves and gives them away? I thought about doing the same thing. The listing, that is. Not the giving away part. He he.

Feel free to do your own; I'd love to see it!

Here are products or brands that I find myself always reaching for.


pasta sauce: Hunts, Prego
salsa: Pace
cereal: General Mills, Malt O Meal
peanut butter: JIF
ice cream: Blue Bunny
chocolate: Dove, Hershey's
sour cream: Daisy
cheese: Cache Valley
chips: Lays
drinks: Crystal Light
store bakeries: Reams, Harmons

Health and Beauty

personal items: Kotex
deodorant: Degree
toilet paper: Cottonelle
paper towels: Viva
hair spray: Aussie
shampoo: Pantene
kid shampoo: Suave
baby shampoo: Baby Magic
diaper cream: Desitin, Butt Paste
baby lotion: Johnson's
body lotion: Bath and Body Works
eye makeup: Avon
lips: Bonne Bell


general: Clorox wipes, vinegar
toilet: The Works cleaner
glass: vinegar
floors: Lysol, vinegar
dish soap: Dawn
dishwasher: Electrasol tabs
laundry: Tide Detergent, Downy softener, Clorox bleach


kids clothes: Old Navy, Target, Kohls, Children's Place
kids shoes: Mervyns, Kohls, Target
kids socks: Hanes

Best craft store: Roberts
Saddest thing not to have out west: Dunkin Donuts
Best unknown eatery: Moochies Meatballs
Best crazy place to shop: NPS Market Square in SLC


  1. Hey Jen I don't know if you remember me but I went to school with Ashley. I was (to be honest) blogstalking and I read that you liked Moochies. My father in law and mother in law are the owners of Moochies. That is awesome that they have such support!!!

    Natalie (Bona) MacDonaldd

  2. Bakeries...didn't you forget one? Dicks? :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!