Sunday, September 14, 2008

No privates, Mom

Tomorrow afternoon I have a 20 week ultrasound and we are going to try to find out the baby's gender. Fifth time's the charm? We have always opted for the suprise factor before. But what the heck; we want to know now.

On the way home tonight my boys were talking about the ultrasound and what they "look for" when determining the sex.

So Bugs, the 8yo, says "Mom, that's why I don't want to be a doctor. I want to be a fireman or an astronaut so I don't have to deal with private parts and stuff like that". LOL!


  1. that is too funny!! The things children say.

  2. Boys say the darndest things. Arn't you glad it wasn't the other way around?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!