Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It IS October, right? It has been so hot this week so far. About 80 degrees now for two days. Swamp cooler turned back on, kids were back in shorts, the cozy hoodie sets still waiting with tags on.... Not fair! I absolutely love fall and I want it back.

I've been feeling lousy today, so lots of TV and magazines, and only bare minimum housework. My kids had oatmeal for supper. Ds3 was loving it. He said "Mom! My favorite meals are mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, and oatmeal". Well, buddy, glad I could make your day. And I'll tell your future wife for sure.

Favorite mom moment of the day: dd came up to me in the sick bed and put her hands on my cheeks and said "There's my beautiful mom!" Yes, you literally had to mop me up off the floor. Wow. It doesn't get any better than this.

1 comment:

  1. We had a very cold windy day so you'll probably be getting it the next day or two. Hopefully you'll be better soon! Gotta love those priceless moments.


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