Chipper, happy children! So excited for hump-day Wednesday. Could it be? Are they eagerly anticipating what homework awaits them in school? Is the kindergartener looking forward to our weekly storytime at the library? What a bookworm! Wait, no. It's GameCube day.
A week and a half ago we changed family rules again. After watching conference we realized that we needed to be discretionary with our time. That meant limits on the stuff that we loved but that wasn't uplifting. Nintendo was the first thing that came to mind, so we decided that we'd reserve video games for weekends (fri and sat) and one weekday. We chose Wed. It has actually gone really well. About 10 times better than I expected. Only Monday did I get a brief, "mom, what day is it today"? The rule must make sense to the boys, because they have not complained or bucked it, AT ALL. They must have figured out that one can still thrive while not playing everyday. And maybe at the same time they will be more grateful for the times they do play.
Great idea! My dad & stepmom have a similar rule with my younger siblings but aren't so nice as you, they only get one day a week. My 5 year old brother says that Saturday (game day) is his favorite day, second only to Sunday (because they go to church). My kids don't play video games yet but I need to get the TV under control before that becomes an issue too.
ReplyDeleteGood for you! The kids must know you mean business so they're not bugging you about it. Somehow my kids know when I'm serious or when I can be talked out of things because talk they will if they think they have any chance! I had to take away computer games completely because my son had absolutely no self control. Maybe we'll try them again when he's older. Like 25!
ReplyDeleteDoes this work on husbands too? My husband is worst than the kids. He loves his video games.
ReplyDeleteDoesn't that just amaze you? It's always the stuff that you think they are going to argue with that they are O.K. with...
ReplyDeleteI like that idea. I'll have to keep it in mind for when my daughter starts to ask to play more than once every few weeks.
ReplyDeletegreat idea! Then they have something to look forward to during the week too!