Monday, February 25, 2008

I've been tagged. Again.

Ok, Ash.

This tag is called: All about my man........

1. Full name: Strider

2. How long have you been married: 11 years

3. How long did we date: 1 year before the mission, 6 months after

4. Who said I love you first: He did. My response? "Are you sure" ROFL

5. Who is taller: lol-he is! Perfect height for me.

6. Who sings better: I do but not by much. We both have decent choir voices.

7. Who's smarter: Depends on the subject. We each have clear strengths. (BTW Ash, Nic does not know everything :)

8. Who does the laundry: I do.

9. Who pays the bills: He takes care of the house and medical. I do the utilities and groceries and the rest.

10. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed: If we are laying in bed, he does.

11. Who drives: I hate driving so I avoid it when I can.

12. Who's more stubborn: We both are, but he will say I am.

13. Who kissed who first: Doesn't it take both? I guess he initiated.

14. Who asked who out first: I did!

15. Who proposed: He did, in the middle of Fashion Place Mall, no less. Cue the violins!

18. Who has more siblings: I do; 3 sisters, 2 brothers. He has 3 brothers.

19. Who wears the pants in the family: I do, and they're usually jeans.

I tag Sonja, Kodelle, Kristy, Tracy and Sharon

1 comment:

  1. This is such a fun meme. It's cool how you get to know people by hearing them talk about their hubby.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!