Ok, so it's a picture of a blue backside. It happens to be the backside of the State Champion at 145 lbs and the only three-time state champ Cyprus High has ever seen.
I am so proud to be the sister of someone so admirable. To battle everything given to you and still come out on top is a true lesson in perseverance.
Matt, it was incredible to be there last night to watch the victory. Best of luck as you head to college for the next phase of your wrestling career. I love you.
I'm excited to tell you that you were a winner in my pay it forward giveaway! Send me an email with your address so I can mail your goodies to you :)
Congrats to your family and especially Matt. I have been wondering how he was doing with his injury and I am so impressed (but not surprised because he is one of those superman type who never do anything half way and never ceases to amaze us all!)with his great accomplishment. Thanks for letting us celebrate with your family! GO MATT!!!!