Woo Hoo!!
Here is a picture of her (profile, lying down, looking left).

Here's the "proof". Apparently it was obvious. She was spread eagle.

So, what's our take on the whole thing?
We are thrilled, number one!!! Shocked, but thrilled. We were convinced we were going there only to verify it was a boy. We both felt that way. Kids all hoped for a girl and are deliriously happy.
And man, Princess has cute clothes and I'm so excited they will be worn again!
Now when it comes to the decision to find out, and open the proverbial Christmas present early, the jury is still out. I feel....funny. Weird.
Do I feel like I cheated? Yeah, I do.
And keep in mind that I really thought it was a boy, so I've been trying to let go of that "boy brain" for 48 hours now.
The baby was active last night and I told hubby, referring to "her" for the first time that way and it was so strange. It said "it" first and corrected myself. All our babies have only been "they", "it" or "baby". Always. So it will take some getting used to.
We have always had major trouble picking boy names, so that's a blessing I suppose. 4 months of agony we don't need to experience.
I'm trying to define my feelings right now. The only thing I can really say is that I feel...lacking, maybe? Every time my doctor, midwife or husband yells out "It's a BOY" or "It's a GIRL" to me, it is followed by a slippery, semi-blue, sometimes crying, always lovely bouncing baby being placed in my waiting hungry arms.
So I feel a little excited and a little empty. I feel like I had half a baby on Monday, and I get to wait out 19 weeks for the rest of it. Do I sound like a lunatic? Most likely. After all, much more than half of people in America find out what they are having. Maybe after doing it the surprise way so many times I just got in that mode and can't get out.
Last night Bugs said "Mom, I want the baby so bad! I wish we didn't find out, because now we have to wait forever." Maybe he said what I feel too prideful to say. I mulled over this decision for the longest time. I went back and forth like a tennis ball for 2 years or so. I knew I wanted to know, didn't I? At least I thought so....