Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Let us oft speak kind words

I was looking around on Family Manager and there is a great page on how we should be saying five positive things for every piece of criticism we give our children. There's a whole list of things we should never say to our kids, and I don't really have problems with that list.

But when I saw this list below, I knew I needed to work on it more. I love these suggestions, especially the last one. I'm totally using that on my Jedi! He needs it.

Words You Can’t Say Enough to a Child

1.It is such a blessing to be your mom.
2.You’re an incredible person.
3.You did that so well.
4.If more kids were like you, the world would be a better place.
5.It’s so good to be with you.
6.You’re the best!
7.You are such a nice person.
8.You’re learning fast.
9.You mean so much to me.
10.You are very bright.
11.You have unlimited potential.
12.You’re on the right track now.
13.You’re getting the hang of it.
14.That’s the best you’ve ever done.
15.You’re getting better every day.
16.You’re such a quick learner.
17.I appreciate your attitude.
18.I can tell you are trying.
19.I knew you could do it.
20.Keep up the good work.
21.You are a real trooper.
22.You did a great job.
23.I believe in you.
24.You’re going to go far in life.
25. If someone lined up all the four-year-olds (use your child’s age) in the world and told me I could pick any one I wanted, I’d choose you.


  1. Oh what a great list! I think I say a lot of whats on that list to my kids, but I'm sure I could say more! Thanks for the ideas!

  2. That's a great list! I have been working on complimenting my children more often too. Especially with hugs for the older kids.

  3. So true. I catch myself getting caught up in correcting their behavior and not complimenting in balance, or I should say more than correcting. Great list!

  4. When I was working on my psychology degree they said the optimal ratio is 12 positives to each negative to get good results!! I so agree that its important to catch kids being good, and point out their good behavior more often than their naughty behavior.

    Love your list. I'm making a goal to use at least 5 of the ones on your list today.


  5. I probably don't compliment my own children nearly enough either. Thanks for the list.

  6. Sometimes when we are in the thick of it, complimenting our children is the last thing on our mind. Thank you for this reminder!

  7. Love the list. So true that you can't say enough positive. And the nice thing (atleast for my little ones) is they say it back to me. Nothing like hearing I'm the best mom in the whole wide world.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts!