This has been a good week so far. The boys are home, being off track till the end of the month. That presents more chaos around here, but it's fun at the same time.

I've been enjoying
my new haircut and I'm slowly figuring out how to do it.
I registered my baby for preschool this morning!! Yes, my baby! I can seriously not believe it. With the boys all in school full time next year it will be great to have her get the social aspect of kids her age and the structure school provides. It's only a few hours a week, so I won't miss her too badly. I will be able to help a ton in the class, too! It has been ages since I could really be an involved mom in the classroom because I always had another baby right behind.
Of course yesterday I had no idea where Princess' birth certificate was, so I had to go to the county office and get another one. But PHEW. Thanks to a flexible sister and fifteen bucks, we're good now.
I have Activity Days today and I'm not prepared, which is unlike me. I have a theme, and I think I know what craft to do, but I haven't pulled it together yet and I'm running out of time. It shoud be fun, though! We have another 8 yr old, so our group is getting quite big. About 7 months ago they combined the older and younger age groups, so sometimes it's hard to corral them all, and to teach an 8 yr old the same as an 11 yr old. We'll see how it goes.
I baked Apple Brown Betty with the kids yesterday.

Here they are helping layer the bits of bread and apple slices.

It was fun. Even though I may have gotten just a bit frustrated with the chunks that were too big. Or the tiny fingers snatching chunks of brown sugar off the table. I know, I need to relax.
It felt really good to get my room clean this week. Think it needed it?

So peaceful now. And it's been three days. I wonder how long it will last...

I figured out the problem. My room was the everything room. The laundry room, the family room, the playroom, the TV room. Since I usually had a three year old between Strider and I, it was even a kids bedroom. But I have made some changes, other than just cleaning it. I am making a better effort to get Princess in her bed
ALL the time. I have moved fun videos to the downstairs TV, with very few exceptions. No kids unless invited in, and
NO toys.
I think we have earned the right to have our own room! And I know it will be good for the marriage, too. More than anything, I want the kids to respect our space as our own, and it starts with me setting boundaries. I'll let you know how it goes. :)